Scientific and Academic Diplomacy


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70th anniversary of CERN (1 October 2024)

France pays tribute to the 70th anniversary of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), an internationally renowned laboratory for particle physics, located in France and Switzerland. The project, which began in 1954 and brings together 38 countries, embodies the success of (…)

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As many countries have recently come to recognise, science has an important role to play in diplomatic action, and France’s approach has long set an example in this respect.

Although science and research cooperation has always been seen as a key component of French foreign policy, the emergence of the concept of "science diplomacy" is an opportunity for France to fine-tune its positioning by formally establishing its strategic objectives and means of action.

France must look at ways of enhancing its contribution to research in the world scientific arena, deploying a policy of innovation to support the international strategies of French firms, encouraging scientists to undertake development research and acquiring the most effective resources to meet the challenges posed by global public goods.

The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs works at interministerial level, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR), to ensure the consistency of France’s action, and devotes all the resources of its diplomatic network to enhancing France’s attractiveness.

Update : april 2013

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