Post-Daesh: France’s engagement
Since the Global Coalition against Daesh was created in September 2014, the terrorist group has experienced major setbacks.
However, while the military defeat of Daesh is a key step, it is not an end in itself. To secure an enduring victory against terrorism, France and its partners are pursuing a long-term strategy with a number of different focuses and goals:
- Providing emergency humanitarian assistance;
- Stabilizing the zone;
- Rebuilding;
- Supporting national reconciliation.
In December 2017, Iraqi authorities announced that they had fully liberated areas previously controlled by the Daesh terrorist group.
France’s contribution in figures:
- Humanitarian and stabilization assistance of €90 million since 2014
- A budgetary loan of €430 million to the Iraqi Government
- Support for various UN agencies (UNDP, WFP, UNHCR) and French NGOs operating in the field
Our priorities:
- An inclusive society: creation of a support fund for the victims of ethnic and religious violence in the Middle East endowed with €10 million for 2017-2018
- Security: training of Iraqi security forces and mine clearance
- Health: support for the re-establishment of healthcare infrastructures and the rehabilitation of the University of Nineveh College of Medicine
- Education: rehabilitation of schools destroyed by Daesh, support for primary education, and support for vocational training
- Preservation of cultural heritage: training of Iraqi staff and digitization of Iraqi sites with funds from the International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas (ALIPH)
In Syria, the Global Coalition supported the Syrian Democratic Forces, a coalition of local forces working in the field to defeat Daesh. In March 2019, the territories in north-east Syria that were under Daesh’s control were successfully liberated.
To prevent the resurgence of terrorism in the region and allow liberated populations to resume normal life, France and its Coalition partners are engaged in major efforts to stabilize the zone.
France’s contribution in figures:
On two occasions, the French President decided to contribute exceptional funds to meet the essential needs of liberated areas: in October 2017 to address the emergency that followed the liberation of Raqqa (€10 million), then in April 2018 to launch real stabilization efforts (€50 million, most of which was granted to north-east Syria).
These funds have made it possible to carry out mine clearance operations in a region where retreating jihadists left behind many explosive devices. This is an essential prerequisite for all stabilization and rehabilitation activities, as well as the return of displaced populations. France’s actions have led to 5,000 mines and 35,000 other explosive devices being eliminated in 18 villages.
The projects supported by France also focus on sectors that are essential to ensuring the region’s return to normal life and economic activity. In the water and sanitation field, France is helping to rehabilitate 21 pumping stations in the governorates of Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor. In addition, it is assisting in the rehabilitation of irrigation channels and providing training in these governorates.
In the health field, France supports three health centres and six mobile clinics. To encourage economic recovery, France is assisting approximately 600 micro entrepreneurs.
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