Exemplary Administration Plan (PAE)
Ever since the initial stages of the Grenelle Environment Forum, the exemplarity of the State with regard to sustainable development has been a priority for the President of the French Republic.
This was expressed in the Prime Minister’s circular of 3 December 2008 on the exemplarity of the State regarding sustainable development in the functioning of its services and public establishments.
The document in question outlines joint initiatives to be implemented in all ministries, under the terms of an Exemplary Administration Plan (PAE) concerning current purchases, eco-responsibility measures and the social responsibility of the State (gender parity, equal opportunities, policy on recruitment and integration of disabled and long-term unemployed people). The French General Commission for Sustainable Development (CGDD) is responsible for monitoring and follow-up, using a financial mechanism based on specific indicators that vary from year to year.
In 2009, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs drew up its own Exemplary Administration Plan. Reduce carbon dioxide emissions, review energy consumption, save paper, adopt new printing solutions, manage waste and lighting, raise staff awareness, provide training and hold videoconferences: these are some of the new requirements established by the Ministry, in order to contribute to the continual improvement of services and performance, and make a positive impact on sustainable development.
For the Ministry, seeking exemplarity with regard to sustainable development is much more than an ambition: it is a three-fold environmental, economic and social necessity.
For more information, visit the digital diplomacy section on the France Diplomatie website.
Updated: January 2014