The cooperation and cultural action network and its roles


The cooperation and cultural action network is central to the Foreign Ministry’s soft power, outreach and international development work. In synergy with its 12 agencies and Alliance Française branches, which provide a community dimension, this network implements a global diplomatic strategy in the field, projecting a positive and competitive image.

In addition to its traditional work of providing official development assistance and promoting and circulating the French language and culture, the network has developed ways to address new vital issues, including the debate of ideas, studies in France, international migration and digital technology. It also aims to expand the Ministry’s work to include promoting tourism, improving the appeal of regions, and more.

The cooperation and cultural action network has made some changes to focus more on priority areas such as emerging countries, the Sahel region and crisis countries, and to work with new actors including civil society and local and regional authorities.

The cooperation and cultural action network in figures*

• 5,000 staff working in the network
• 131 cooperation and cultural action services and 6 scientific services in French embassies
• 98 local Instituts Français
• 22 French Research Institutes Abroad (IFRE) and 5 research institutes attached to local Instituts Français
• 162 French archaeological missions in 78 countries
• 310 Campus France offices in 134 countries
• More than 380 contracted Alliance Française branches (out of a total of 832 Alliance Française branches worldwide)
• 540 schools with French curricula (Agency for French Education Abroad – AEFE, French Secular Mission – MLF) in 138 countries
• 85 Agence Française de Développement (AFD) branches and representation offices, with projects under way in 115 countries
• 23 Volunteering centres
• 100 countries covered by Team France Export
• 32 Atout France offices in 29 countries, with an area of operations covering more than 70 countries.

*Nov 2021

Travailler dans le réseau de coopération et d’action culturelle

Parmi les quelque 5 000 agents du réseau de coopération et d’action culturelle, environ 1 600 sont directement gérés par le ministère. Environ 300 postes sont à pourvoir chaque été. Ces agents sont pour la plupart de postes des responsables d’équipe, capables de travailler en réseau, de communiquer et de s’exprimer en public, de conduire des projets et de diriger un établissement. Il leur est également demandé d’avoir une vision stratégique et innovante de ce que peut être la coopération et l’action culturelle des pays dans lesquels ils sont nommés.

Working in the cooperation and cultural action network

Some 1,600 of the 5,000 people working in the cooperation and cultural action network are directly managed by the Ministry. Approximately 300 posts are available every summer. Most of these people are team managers and are qualified to work in networks, speak in public, conduct projects and manage an institution. They are also asked to have a strategic and innovative vision for cooperation and cultural action in the countries where they are appointed.