Terms and Conditions for Filming in France
Filming in France
Foreign media wishing to film reports in France should first contact:
their Paris correspondents (if they have any)
their Embassy
the DPAF (Aviation and Border Police Directorate/ Direction de la Police de l’air et des frontières)
Filming Permit Scheme in Paris and the Provinces
TO WIT: Broadcasting or publishing images requires the prior consent of the people photographed or filmed as well as from the managers of any public institutions and monuments involved in photographing or filming. Filming in public places is, in principle, subject to authorization.
However, photographing and filming in public may take place without prior approval for minor operations such as:
- handheld or tripod camera reports
- architectural photographs with or without a stand
- fashion photographs with or without a stand
- training school exercises
How to get permission for filming?
In Paris
Only the Paris Police Prefecture is authorized to deliver permits for filming outside in the streets of Paris. The permit application must be filed at:
Préfecture de police
Unité de la police administrative et de la documentation
Service des prises de vues
Tél. : 33 1 53 71 42 35 ou 45 ou 47 - Fax : 33 1 53 71 67 64
Formalities and timeframes for delivery depend on the number of participants:
- up to 10 people and before 11 p.m.: filming permit not required
- more than 10 people or filming at night after 11 p.m.: normal procedure requiring a period of 3 weeks
- it is also recommended you take the matter up with the Police Commissioner(s) in the relevant district(s).
In addition to the Police Prefecture permit, since a large number of buildings are owned by the City of Paris or under the responsibility of the Culture and Communications Ministry, you must obtain other permits.
1 / For sites under the City of Paris’ authority, contact:
Mairie de Paris
Mission cinéma
Bureau des tournages
Tél. : 33 1 42 76 43 61 - Fax : 33 1 42 76 63 30
Mail : tournages at paris.fr
2 / For sites administered by the Culture Ministry:
Contact the monuments’ managers or, if multiple sites are involved:
Centre des monuments nationaux
Tél : 33 1 44 61 20 30 - Fax : 33 1 44 61 20 86
Mai : tournages at monum.fr
In the Provinces
In general, you should contact the Press Office in the Town Hall of the city where filming will take place. Here are some contacts that might be useful:
Bordeaux : Mairie de Bordeaux - service de presse
Tél. : 33 5 56 10 20 46 / Fax : 33 5 56 10 21 76 ou 33
sce.presse at mairie-bordeaux.fr
Lille : Mairie de Lille - service de presse
Tél. : 33 3 20 49 50 70 / Fax : 33 3 20 49 50 68
contactmairie at mairie-lille.fr
Lyon : Mairie de Lyon - service de presse
Tél. : 33 4 72 10 30 41 / Fax : 33 4 72 10 30 49
Marseille : Mairie de Marseille - service Fêtes et Manifestations
Tél. : 33 4 91 55 30 74 / Fax : 33 4 91 14 64 01
Nantes : Mairie de Nantes - service de presse
Tél. : 33 2 40 41 74 36 / Fax : 33 2 40 41 64 10
Strasbourg : Mairie de Strasbourg - Service de communication externe
Tél. : 33 3 88 60 60 63 / Fax : 33 3 88 60 90 30
Toulouse : Mairie de Toulouse - Service de presse
Tél. : 33 5 61 22 21 47 / Fax : 33 5 61 22 38 68
dominique.pottier at mairie-toulouse.fr
Importing Equipment
Journalists and their equipment may freely travel around the European Union. For journalists from outside the EU, importing press equipment is subject to a request for temporary admission, whether it is broadcasting equipment or press and photography equipment. This request should be submitted to customs authorities at your point of entry, port, or airport upon arrival in the EU (excluding transit).
Simplified Application for Temporary Admission (so-called “Bona fide”)
It is best to undertake this process with the help of the originating country’s embassy. The formalities are simple (they may be performed by the journalist himself) and fast (normal timeframe: about a week). Holders of an ATA Carnet are exempt from this procedure.
(N.B.: an international customs document, the ATA Carnet provides for exporting goods, free of import duties and taxes, for one year to over 33 countries.)
The written request must specify:
- the applicant organization’s trade name
- the type of filming scheduled (sound recording, filming or photography,…)
- length of stay (include dates and times of arrival and departure and flight numbers)
- the relevant equipment: type, brand, serial number, and pro forma value for each item (this list cannot be amended after filing)
- contact information for a correspondent in France (e.g. the Embassy)
Upon arrival, journalists must report to Customs at the airport with their equipment, the authorization issued by the Regional Customs Directorate (or their ATA Carnet), and a detailed list of their equipment in duplicate. An inspection will be conducted and both detailed lists endorsed. One will be given to the journalists, the other kept by Customs authorities, who, upon the journalists’ departure, will verify that the relevant equipment is leaving the territory.
Direction régionale des douanes de Roissy en France
Service de la réglementation
Rue du Signe
95701 Roissy CDG cedex
Tél. : 33 1 48 62 62 88 - Fax : 33 1 48 62 66 85
dr-roissy at douane.gouv.fr
Direction régionale des douanes de Marseille
Service de la réglementation
48 av Robert Schuman
13224 Marseille cedex 02
Tél. : 33 4 91 14 15 08