Philanthropy and development: stocktake and partnership strategy


This strategy addresses one of the recommendations issued by the Interministerial Committee for International Cooperation and Development (CICID) in February 2018 on scaling up partnerships between the French government and foundations, with a view to contributing to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also builds on momentum for the programming bill on inclusive development and the fight against global inequalities, which strengthens the partnership dimension of France’s development policy.

A result of extensive consultations, this strategy provides an overview of the role of philanthropy in financing global development and analyses complementary aspects of action between philanthropy actors and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in order to propose strategic operational ways to improve coordination with these actors under French development policy.

Philanthropic practices for development are growing in number across the globe, mainly in Africa and especially in the health sector. In Europe, philanthropic actors are becoming more structured. In France, foundations are increasingly interested in international development, as can be seen in their mobilization in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Through their structural and operational specificities, linked to their flexibility of action and innovation, foundations have a full role to play in international development, alongside public actors. Strengthening synergies of action and partnerships between the Ministry and foundations will thus create significant leverage for development financing.

This strategy identifies operational priorities to this end:

  1. Institutionalize relations between the MEAE and French philanthropic structures
  2. Foster and promote French and Francophone philanthropic action in the international arena
  3. Encourage cooperation between the MEAE and foundations at local level
  4. Develop cooperation with African philanthropic actors
  5. Enhance dialogue and means of action with European and international philanthropic structures