OSCE – Human Rights – Meeting between Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne and Matteo Mecacci (03 Mar. 2022)


Today Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Minister Delegate for Tourism, French Nationals Abroad and Francophonie, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, and for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, attached to the Minister of the Economy, Finance and the Recovery, hosted Matteo Mecacci, director of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

The Minister Delegate reaffirmed France’s commitment to the mandate of this crucial instrument for peace and security in Europe, particularly its election monitoring missions and the assistance it provides to OSCE participating States to help them implement their commitments to upholding fundamental liberties.

Mr. Lemoyne and his interlocutor discussed the human rights situation, democratic governance and the rule of law in the area covered by the OSCE.

He expressed France’s support for OSCE mechanisms relating to humanitarian issues, which are making it possible to gather information on violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in Ukraine during the Russian military attack.