Violence against journalists : Publication of the annual report by the NGO “Reporters Without Borders” (December 19, 2012)
On the occasion of the publication of the annual report by the NGO “Reporters Without Borders” on violence against journalists, France pays tribute to all those who risk their lives to fight for the freedom of the press and the right to information.
According to the data collected by “Reporters Without Borders,” the year 2012 was one of the deadliest in recent years, with 88 journalists killed, representing an increase of a third compared to the previous year. Several hundred media workers faced violence, intimidation or are now being detained because of their activities. Somalia, where 18 journalists were killed in 2012, was especially affected by this violence. 17 journalists of different nationalities also died in Syria, including two of our compatriots, Gilles Jacquier and Rémi Ochlik.
France reaffirms its attachment to the freedom of the press everywhere in the world as well as to the freedom of information, whether through the Internet or any other means. As reaffirmed by the resolutions of the UN Security Council and the UN Human Rights Council, it is the responsibility of the states to ensure the protection of journalists, including in armed conflict, and to bring the perpetrators of violence against them to justice.