Conference on the Future of Europe: launch of the online platform


The Conference on the Future of Europe is a fundamental initiative, originally from France, which will be launched on Europe Day, 9 May: an unprecedented pan-European debate. It is an open and inclusive form of deliberative democracy.

Its goal is to give citizens from all backgrounds and throughout Europe an opportunity to say what they expect from the European Union, so that these expectations influence the EU’s future governance and policy-making.

Since 19 April, all EU citizens have been invited to help shape their future, and that of Europe, by using the multilingual digital platform for the Conference on the Future of Europe.

The platform, which is available in 24 languages, enables citizens from all over the EU to share their ideas and points of view via online events.

The Conference is under the joint authority of the three institutions, represented by the Presidents of the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission, which have pledged to follow up on the Conference conclusions.