SDG 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure


Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Presentation - State of affairs

In an interconnected world where almost 60% of the world’s inhabitants still do not have access to the Internet, local attractiveness and dynamism require the creation of quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure to foster economic development and improve quality of life. The 2030 Agenda lays out a plan for an environmentally friendly industrial world that makes rational use of natural resources, where research and innovation are better supported.

The Research Institute for Development (IRD) established a campus for innovation for the planet on its Bondy site in 2016, fostering closer ties between entrepreneurs from developing countries and researchers. This campus draws on the Bond’innov incubator that supports the realization of innovative projects in France and in developing countries.

France also supports the programme Équité funded under the AFD trade capacity building programme (PRCC), which seeks to contribute to the sustainable economic development of West African countries, to support fair trade initiatives, to build capacities in the family farming sector and to combat poverty.

United Nations Targets for 2030

Ministry Projects (in French)

Examples of projects (in French)

Ministry publications (in French)

Useful links

Updated: May 2017