SDG 8. Decent work and economic growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Presentation - State of affairs
Tens of millions of people worldwide still do not have access to employment. Sustainable, inclusive, sustained economic growth based on decent work for all will help improve mankind’s living conditions. That is why France is supporting the EU Aid for Trade Strategy, a pillar for development. Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) seek to foster dialogue and cooperation in the economic and trade fields with ACP (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific) countries.
Certain populations, such as young people, remain particularly vulnerable to the scourge of unemployment. France promotes training suited to the jobs market in order to support strong, sustainable and inclusive growth and to foster young people’s access to decent jobs via the 2017-2021 education, vocational training and integration strategies. The 2013-2017 Gender and Development strategy includes the goal of equal pay for equal work and girls’ schooling. This strategy will be renewed in 2017. SDG 8 lays the ground for the proportion of young people schooled and trained in a profession to have grown considerably by 2030, and for child labour to have disappeared.
United Nations Targets for 2030

Ministry Projects
Examples of projects (in French)
Ministry publications (in French)
Publications by implementing agencies
Useful links
Updated: May 2017