SDG 17. Partnerships for the goals
Create effective and inclusive partnerships to achieve the goals
Presentation - State of affairs
Unlike for the Millennium Development Goals, the international community has decided this time to incorporate the financial and non-financial resources needed to achieve these new goals. There is therefore an additional goal, in addition to the other 16 Sustainable Development Goals, listing the fields and sectors that can and must contribute to the implementation of the agenda, such as technology and finance.
The Addis Ababa Action Agenda on financing for development, adopted in July 2015, is part of the 2030 Agenda and provides a renewed, adapted framework for the implementation of the SDGs.
United Nations Targets for 2030

Ministry Projects
Key figures
8 600 000 000
euros in French Official Development Assistance (ODA), an increase of 5.6% from 2015.
- Global Official Development Assistance (ODA) has reached a historic high, standing at €129 billion – growth of 8.4% in one year.
- Over the period 2012-2015, the share of bilateral ODA via French international solidarity associations grew from 1.9% to 2.9%. That share totalled 3.6% in 2015, taking into account international and local associations.
Examples of projects
The Ministry organizes a regular, high-level dialogue with all development actors, on its policy to support the the achievement of the SDGs in partner countries. The dialogue is organized within the framework of the National Council for Development and International Solidarity (CNDSI), as well as during the development of the sectoral strategies of the Ministry.
The Ministry delegates credits to the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) to co-finance the initiatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) concerning international cooperation. In 2016, this subsidy scheme was allocated € 72 million, compared with € 42 million in 2012. It has been constantly increasing since 2009.
The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs supported the “SDGs Everyone” initiative established by the World Bank in partnership with BNP Paribas, aimed at developing financial products based on the SDGs so as to include international investors in the financing of development. The SDG-linked bonds were launched on 9 March 2017 and have already raised $164 million. These bonds create a first direct link on the financial markets between businesses involved in sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals.
In the framework of the implementation of the “Innovating Together” strategy, the Ministry is supporting the creation of a training platform for social and inclusive economy stakeholders by the Centre for Financial, Economic and Banking Studies (CEFEB) of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD, French Development Agency). Under the strategy, the Ministry has enabled the creation of a simplified tool to evaluate the social performance of businesses based on the Social Business Scorecard produced by the NGO CERISE. These initiatives aim to foster the emergence of an ecosystem conducive to the success of social business initiatives in developing countries.
In order to support the “Technology Facilitation Mechanism” (TFM) established by the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, as well as its Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs is organizing regular interministerial meetings involving members of the research community and representatives of the private sector.
AFD has been working for several years on the exchange and promotion of expertise. On 24 February 2014, it signed a partnership agreement with the Institute for Research in Applied Economics (IPEA), Brazil’s main think-tank. This three-year partnership promotes the production and dissemination of knowledge on topics of common interest: urban development, ex-post policy evaluation methodologies, the role of Brazil as an emerging donor and reflections on official development assistance, participation in the presentation of the research results of each institution on topics of common interest. In France, the Agency regularly supports the production and development of CSO development knowledge production.
AFD – Promoting the dissemination of studies and exchange of expertise 2014-2017 (in French)
National Council for Development and International Solidarity (CNDSI)
It enables 50 non-state actors to debate and contributes to the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs’ policies and guidelines on development.
The CNDSI contribute to the preparation of the interministerial guidelines adopted during the Interministerial Committee for International Cooperation and Development (CICID) meeting on 30 November 2016
Ministry publications (in French)
- Rapport de stratégie : « Innover ensemble, stratégie de promotion des nouveaux modèles de l’économie sociale et inclusive à l’international »
- Présentation et mode d’emploi de la Bourse aux partenariats (April 2017)
- Rubrique Partenariats scientifiques
- Lancement du programme WIPANO de transfert de technologie et de connaissances
- Premier document d’orientation relatif au partenariat entre le Ministère et la société civile. It highlights the areas of expertise of civil society organizations and their strong mobilization capacity, as well as the complementarity that can exist with the action of the State to achieve the SDGs in the partner countries.
Publications by implementing agencies
- AFD - Governance and development on World Bank agenda - 23 March 2017
- AFD - Bilan du partenariat entre l’Agence et les OSC 2011-2016 (.pdf) (in French)
Useful links
- SDG 17 on the UN website
- SDG 17 on the website UN Women
- The National Council for Development and International Solidarity (CNDSI)
Updated: May 2017