SDG 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
Presentation - State of affairs
Since 2000, the number of people forced to flee war, conflict and extreme violence has grown constantly. Reducing conflicts and building and consolidating peace requires unprecedented mobilization by the international community, for there can be no development without security and no security without development.
The 2030 Agenda lays out a world freed of corruption, illegal trafficking and illegal arms smuggling, which remain real threats to humankind’s political stability and development.
United Nations Targets for 2030

Ministry Projects
Key figures
of the funding delegated by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to the Agence Française de Développement (AFD, French Development Agency) to finance projects initiated by French civil society organizations involved in international solidarity are allocated to human rights, governance and vulnerable populations
- At the Ministry’s request, the AFD provides €5 million in funding to the Open Government Partnership initiative, the open data activities of which seek to make institutions more efficient, more transparent and more accountable.
- In November 2016, the Interministerial Committee for International Cooperation and Development (CICID) decided to create a facility for vulnerability attenuation and disaster response providing €100 million per year, implemented by the AFD.
Examples of projects
In the framework of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, the financial instrument of the Valletta Action Plan (November 2015), many projects seek to combat human trafficking and migrant smuggling.
Under this Fund, several projects promoted by France aim to address SDG 16, including:
- the project to support the prevention of violent radicalization in Mauritania, promoted by Expertise France;
- the Lake Chad initiative supported by the AFD aims to meet the needs of the population affected by the Boko Haram crisis by developing income-generating activities and strengthening social cohesion between displaced persons and host populations.
- the programmes to support the operation of civil status systems in Mali and Senegal, promoted by Civipol.
France also contributes to the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis (“Madad Fund”), created in 2014 in order to guarantee the access to education and employment of children and young people, including both Syrian refugees and members of host communities, and to support administrations in host countries in ensuring subsistence and social cohesion.
- AFD – Addressing a regional crisis that sets in long-term – Lake Chad Initiative 2016-2020 (in French)
- Civil Law Initiative (CLI) – Presentation of the Summer University of Continental Law, July 2017 (.pdf)
- Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs – Advocacy for the universal abolition of the death penalty in sub-Saharan Africa (in French)
Ministry publications
Publications by implementing agencies
- AFD - Syrian refugees in Lebanon : an emergency for European countries too (4 avril 2017)
- AFD - We need to change approach to address the exploitation of Syrian refugee children (4 août 2016)
- MEAE and AFD - Présidence du Comité technique Foncier et Développement, Enjeux fonciers, conflits civils et développement (in French)
- AFD - Appui aux organisations de solidarité internationale dans les domaines du développement, des droits de l’Homme et de la lutte contre les discriminations (in French)
Useful links
- SDG 16 on the UN website
- SDG 16 on the website UN Women
- La coopération juridique et judiciaire française à l’international (In French)
- European Commission - The EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
Updated: May 2017