SDG 11. Sustainable cities and communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Presentation - State of affairs
By 2030, 60% of the population will live in cities. Without an integrated and inclusive policy, this urban growth will lead to a process of social and spatial segregation, making the challenges of combating poverty and preserving the environment all the more acute. An estimated one billion people live in slums today. If nothing is done, there will be two billion by 2030.
Decent living conditions in cities mean access to housing; essential services; effective, safe and sustainable transport; green spaces and cultural venues; breathing good quality air; and ensuring everyone’s safety, particularly from the potential impacts of climate disruption. This is the model of sustainable and inclusive cities that SDG 11 is setting out for 2030.
United Nations Targets for 2030

Ministry Projects
Key figures
cities assisted by AFD in their planning of inclusive and sustainable urban projects by the teaming up of local experts with French experts working in the field.
Examples of projects
- AFD - Decent housing in Johannesburg city centre
- AFD - Economic and social urban reconstruction programme in Bangui
- AFD - Protecting the population from flooding risks in Antananarivo November 2016
Ministry publications (in French)
Sustainable Urban Development :
- Conférence Habitat III : agir ensemble pour des villes innovantes, solidaires et écologiques
- Famille « Mieux vivre en ville »
Publications by implementing agencies (in French)
- Cadre d’intervention sectorielle « Villes durables » 2014-2017 de l’AFD (.pdf)
- Financer la ville latino-américaine : Des outils au service d’un développement urbain durable, AFD, IPEA & Fondation Ciudad Humana (.pdf)
- Agendas 21 et actions internationales des collectivités : quelles articulations ? - AFD, Région IDF et ARENE (.pdf)
Useful links
Updated: May 2017