SDG 10. Reduced inequalities
Reduce inequality within and among countries
Presentation - State of affairs
There are still significant inequalities in the world: both in terms of income—1% of the world’s population earns nearly half of its income—and opportunity. Investing in reducing inequalities also means investing in all the fields of sustainable development, preservation of the planet, eliminating poverty and ensuring sustainable growth.
SDG 10 seeks to improve equality of opportunity through the adoption of laws and implementation of policies aimed at ensuring sustainable improvement in the living conditions of all. The most vulnerable countries, such as the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are to be paid particular attention, and greater financial flows are to be directed towards them. Growing inequalities jeopardize the achievement of SDGs as a whole, including the eradication of extreme poverty, the promotion of decent work and access to quality education.
United Nations Targets for 2030
Ministry Projects
Key figures
10 000
households financially supported by a pilot fund to which AFD participates. It creates a social protection floor for the most vulnerable populations of the Congo.
Examples of projects
AFD - Decent housing in Johannesburg city centre: 2012-2024
AFD - Economic and social urban reconstruction programme 2015–2018
Publications by implementing agencies
Useful Links
Mise à jour : mai 2017