Global governance of food security
In 2007-2008, food crises linked to the sudden rise in food product prices revealed that the mechanisms which ensure food security and nutrition on a global level had fragmented. It became necessary to strengthen cooperation between players by creating specific institutions for dialogue and cooperation, but also to promote common understanding of the issues and challenges surrounding global food security.
A few years later, due in particular to climate change and conflict, the food security situation is worsening again. The COVID-19 crisis has considerably worsened food shortages, in particular because of economic consequences for the most vulnerable populations. The responses of the international community need to adapt to these challenges.
Read the FAO’s report, jointly produced with the UN, on "the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World"
Global governance of food security and nutrition is made up of all the mechanisms, frameworks or policies which enable the various stakeholders (States first and foremost, but also international organizations, civil society and the private sector) to sustainably improve households’ food security and nutrition. Coordination, coherence and complementarity of the actions of organisations working for sustainable food security and nutrition are necessary to find appropriate solutions and give significant support to the benefits of global food security.
France’s action
Improving global governance of food and agriculture are among the priorities of France’s policy for food security. It’s the first pillar of our International Strategy for Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable Farming for 2019-20124.
France promotes inclusive global governance, which enables all organizations concerned to be appropriately involved (States, international organizations, as well as civil society organizations, the private sector and research institutes). France, in a multilateral way, supports the role of the three Roman agencies (FAO, IFAD, WFP) and the Committee on World Food Security (CFS)
France was one of the major driving forces behind the reform of the CFS[FR] which, in 2009, became the first global platform for dialogue on food security and nutrition bringing together all stakeholders (governments, international organizations, civil society, private sector, research, producers). France supports the work of the CFS and helps in disseminating its results such as theVoluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests which include a selection of best practices aimed at preventing land grabbing.
Within the G7 and G20, France continues to promote food security and nutrition as a priority . During the French G7 presidency in 2019 France particularly underscored the subject of decent job creation for young country people and the struggle against malnutrition in the Sahel. A G7 framework for decent job creation for young country people in the Sahel was thus adopted. Furthermore, G7 Development ministers with their G5-Sahel counterparts issued a joint statement committing to reinforce their collaboration to fight against malnutrition in this particularly affected region.
France also acts within European development assistance efforts, in line with the SDGs adopted by the UN in 2015. France’s action is particularly concerned with local governance issues, particularly in fragile areas such as the Sahel. The operating methods reviewed and promoted by the Sahel Alliance should ensure assistance is more effective by making greater use of local stakeholders.
Learn more:
• Committee on World Food Security (FAO)
• High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) on Food Security and Nutrition
• International Fund for Agricultural Development
• Food and Agriculture Organization
• World Food Programme
Last updated: October 2020