International Solar Alliance Implementation Meeting at the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (11 December 2017)

On the eve of the One Planet Summit, organized by the France, the United Nations and the World Bank in Paris on December 12th, and following the entry into force of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), Mrs Ségolène Royal, Special envoy for the implementation of the ISA and Mr Vinay Kwatra, Ambassador of India to France, will host a first meeting on the implementation of the Alliance, at the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
For more information, visit our page in French.
December 11th 8:30-10:00
Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Centre de conférences ministériel,
27 rue de la Convention, 75015 Paris, France
Limited space, Open on invitation request : emmanuelle.huet at or nastassja.hoffet at