Yemen - Q&A (11 december 2023)


Do you have any information on what action might be taken after the Languedoc shot down two drones in self-defense over the Red Sea almost 70 miles from the Yemeni port of Hodeida? Have the attackers been identified? Will there be any response?

In his communiqué of December 10, the Minister for the Armed Forces stated that the French Navy’s Multi-Mission Frigate (FREMM) Languedoc intercepted and shot down two drones that were heading toward it from the coast of Yemen. We were in a defensive posture, and it was an act of legitimate self-defense.

This attack comes amid a rise in attacks and acts of piracy committed in the Red Sea by Yemeni Houthis, and it is a cause of great concern with respect to the freedom of navigation in that area. So far nobody has claimed responsibility for this attack.

We condemn any and all attacks on the freedom of navigation, just as we did following the seizure of the Galaxy Leader commercial vessel on November 19. We reiterate our call to the Houthis to immediately end their attacks on civilians and their threats to the freedom of movement and navigation.

We are monitoring developments in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandeb Strait very closely and we call on all actors to avoid any kind of regional flare-up.