United States – Visit by Laurence Boone (27-29 March 2023)


Laurence Boone, Minister of State for Europe, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, will be traveling to New York and Washington in the United States of America from March 27-29.

This visit will be dedicated to defending European sovereignty as well as Europe’s response to the climate transition and digital transition aspects of industrial, energy and trade policy.

In New York, the Minister of State will give a speech at New York University (NYU) on Europe’s economic approach to the climate transition. She will meet with representatives from the European-American Chamber of Commerce to discuss the European industrial, energy and trade policy issues that are at the heart of the legislation proposed by the European Commission (the Net-Zero Industry Act, the electricity market reform and the European Critical Raw Materials Act).

In Washington, Laurence Boone will speak before the members of the Congressional European Union Caucus and will meet with senators working on European issues. She will meet with State Department and Commerce Department representatives to discuss European sovereignty and the EU’s Green Deal Industrial Plan. She will also have a conversation on these same issues with International Monetary Fund First Deputy Managing Director Gita Gopinath. Lastly, Laurence Boone will give a talk at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.