United Kingdom – Visit by Laurence Boone, Minister of State for Europe, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs (13-14 July 2023)
Laurence Boone, Minister of State for Europe, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, will visit London (United Kingdom) on July 13 and 14. Following the Franco-British summit of March 10, the visit will provide an opportunity to discuss relations between the European Union and the UK. The Minister of State will have a meeting with her British counterpart, Leo Docherty, to discuss energy, migration and mobility issues, among other things.
She will also visit the premises of DeepMind, a company belonging to Google that specializes in artificial intelligence, and will meet its executives and researchers. She will also have talks with various private-sector stakeholders, universities and think-tanks on the issue of artificial intelligence and its development and regulation.
Lastly, she will deliver a speech at the reception held by the French Embassy in the United Kingdom to mark France’s National Day.