Rwanda - Q&A - (17 Dec. 2021)


Q: Do you have any comment following the verdict handed down by the Paris Criminal Court in the trial of Claude Muhayimana, a French-Rwandan national sentenced to 14 years in prison for complicity in genocide?

A: We do not comment on court decisions.

As President Macron reiterated during his visit to Kigali last May, France is committed to the fight against impunity for those presumed to have been involved in the Rwandan genocide through the international judicial cooperation it maintains with both Rwanda and the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (including the ICTR), and is in favor of beefing up the body of investigators and judges working on these issues within the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT) and the Central Office for Combating Crimes against Humanity, Genocide and War Crimes (OCLCH).