Lebanon – Hezbollah strike on UNIFIL headquarters (30.10.24)


France condemns the likely Hezbollah rocket strike on the headquarters of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in Naqoura on October 29. Austrian peacekeepers were injured, as others were a few weeks ago.

We hope that the investigation under way will establish the facts and identify those responsible. France emphasizes that attacks on peacekeepers are serious violations of international law. They are unjustifiable and must stop immediately.

The protection of UN peacekeepers and the safety and security of UN personnel, property and premises must be guaranteed, and UNIFIL must be able to fully carry out its mandate. In this particularly difficult situation, we commend the bravery, professionalism and continued commitment of UNIFIL personnel.

France calls for an immediate ceasefire and the complete implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 by all parties, the only way to enable displaced people in Israel and Lebanon to safely return home.