Israel/Palestinian Territories – Settlement activity (21 March 2023)
The Knesset has adopted a partial repeal of the so-called Disengagement Law of 2005, paving the way for Israeli settlers to move into the north of the occupied West Bank, including onto private Palestinian land in Homesh.
France strongly condemns this decision, which is contrary to international law, fraught with consequences and can only inflame tensions, as well as being contrary to the commitments made by Israel barely a few days earlier at the Sharm El Sheikh meeting. It urges the Israeli authorities to reverse the decision.
At a time of great tension and in the run-up to the religious holidays, France once again calls on the Israeli Government to end unilateral measures and honour the commitments made in Aqaba and Sharm El Sheikh. This process must be capable of leading to the restoration of a credible political outlook for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with a view to two States living side by side in peace and security.