Situation in Gaza - Statement by the spokesperson of the ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (01.04.18)
France expresses its grave concern in the light of the serious incidents that have occurred in the Gaza Strip in recent days.
With at least 15 people dead and more than 1,000 injured since the beginning of the demonstrations, France calls upon the Israeli authorities to respect their duty to protect civilians and asks them to exercise the greatest restraint.
France also underlines the right of the Palestinians to demonstrate peacefully.
It is essential for the Israelis and Palestinians to put an end to the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. That requires the end of the blockade and the lifting of restrictive measures, as well as credible security guarantees for Israel.
France further recalls the urgency of a resumption of serious negotiations with a view to implementing the two-State solution, the only option capable of ensuring peaceful coexistence and stability.