Central African Republic - Situation of Juan-Rémy Quignolot - Q&A (16 September 2022)
Do you have any comment on the situation of Juan-Rémy Quignolot, the French national detained in the Central African Republic who has begun a hunger strike?
France is very concerned by the situation of our compatriot Juan-Rémy Quignolot, who has been held in pre-trial detention in the Central African Republic for more than 16 months, in violation of Central African criminal law. We call for his immediate release as he awaits trial.
Our embassy and consular services in Paris and Bangui are mobilizing all of their efforts on behalf of our fellow citizen. We have approached the Central African authorities on several occasions to urge them to respect our compatriot’s rights. Like all French nationals arrested abroad who request it, he is entitled to the consular protection specified by the Vienna Convention of April 24, 1963. He has therefore received regular visits, which have enabled us to monitor the conditions of his detention, his health and his access to a lawyer.