Note :

1. Schleier notes in a telegram to the German authorities (n° 2603, dated April 26, 1943): "Nach Einschaltung des französischen Regierungschefs Laval und des Staatschefs Marschall Pétain wurde, um weiteres Aufsehen zu vermeiden, die Verbringung der Sammlung in den Tresor einer Bank in Limoges auf Veranlassung des von Paris nach Limoges entsandten Verwalters der Sammlung Schloss von SD veranlasst. Die französische Regierung hatte den Rücktransport zum Bergungsort verlangt, wo jedoch deutscherseits keine Möglichkeit der Überwachung besteht." "After the intervention of the head of the French government Laval and chief of state Marshal Pétain, and so as to avoid creating a scandal, the collection was transferred to a Limoges bank upon orders issued by the SD and with the administrator of the Schloss collection, sent from Paris to Limoges, acting as intermediary. The French government demanded that the collection be sent back to its former repository but there is no possibility of German surveillance there." MAE/ARD/RA/carton 100b.























2. Document concerning Joseph Antignac, C.D.J.C. archives.























3. The catalogue of non-recovered works as of December 31, 1996 is based on this inventory, known as the 1943 list.$





















4. Bruno Lohse, head of the Paris bureau of the Einsatzstab Rosenberg.
























5. Erhard Göpel, Hitler's official agent for the Linz Museum. Buyer in Holland where he had dealings with Vitale Bloch’s help. Also in contact with Wüster, Mandl and Holzapfel in Paris.























6. This memorandum and those cited hereafter were addressed by Rose Valland to Jaujard, director of the Louvre. Original documents from the Direction de Musées de France (DMF) archives.























7. Walter Andreas Hofer, head of Göring's art collections, in charge of acquisitions.






















8. The shipping registers of the Pusey, Beaumont, Crassier firm, representing all of the goods removed from the Jeu de Paume and some from the German Embassy, were given to Rose Valland after the departure of the Germans. MAE/ARD/RA/carton 103 A 27, registre n° 1, pp. 62-64.























9. French commander-in chief in Germany, Groupe français du Conseil de Contrôle, Direction générale de l'économie et des finances, Division des réparations et restitutions, Bureau central des restitutions, Répertoire des biens spoliés durant la guerre 1939-1945, vol 2, Tableaux et tapisseries, 1947, p. XII.
























10. Verzeichnis der Gemälde aus Sammlung Schloss. Liaison officer Duchartre wrote the following comment on the list: "Found in the Führerbau in Munich. Characters of Hitler's typewriter (very big)."