French contributions to the global fund to fight aids, tuberculosis and malaria (November 2013)


Commissioned by the Directorate-General of Global Affairs, Development and Partnerships (DGM) at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), this evaluation covers France’s participation in the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), a multilateral institution in which France plays a fundamental role as one of the founding members and second biggest contributor after the United States.

This has a dual dimension, both retrospective and prospective, responding to the public’s need for information as channelled by Parliament and the French Court of Accounts, on the use of public funds and at the same time informing on France’s international development strategy in a priority sector, health.

The Consultant has endeavoured to respond to each of the five
defined objectives :

  • analysis of the outcomes achieved by the GFATM programmes
    and the quality of the system put in place for measurement
    of those outcomes in priority countries for French Official
    Development Assistance (ODA);
  • analysis of the action of the GFATM in those same countries;
  • analysis of the consistency of the GFATM action with France’s
    thematic priorities;
  • establishment of a forward-looking analysis of the challenges
    arising from the change in the Fund’s finance allocation model;
  • evaluation of France’s input to GFATM policy focuses and the
    effectiveness of its monitoring system.

The geographical scope comprises essentially the 16 poor countries defined as having priority for French ODA1 in addition to five others in Sub-Saharan Africa (Cameroon, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon and Rwanda). The analysis thus covers a total of 21 countries, to which may be added a regional “Abidjan-Lagos Corridor” programme involving five countries (Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, Ghana, Togo and Nigeria) for which the Principal Recipient (PR) is based in Cotonou.

The evaluation process is structured in four phases : framing, documentary examination and interviews, field missions and the drafting of the evaluation report. Two visits were arranged to the GFATM Secretariat in Geneva. The field missions were conducted over the period May to June 2013 in four countries :Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Burkina Faso, Benin and Uganda (the latter being chosen for comparative reasons).