International conference on combating the financing of Daesh and Al-Qaeda (Paris, 25-26 april 2018)
At 5:30 p.m. on 26 April, the President of the French Republic will close an international conference set up on his own initiative, on combating the financing of Al-Qaeda, Daesh and affiliated persons and groups.
The military victory against the “Caliphate” was a major success, but it does not protect us against the resurgence of Daesh, or the activity of persons and groups loyal to Daesh – as we have recently seen in France – or Al-Qaeda. It is hard to prevent these groups taking root in vulnerable regions like the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, the Middle East, and South and Southeast Asia.
The fight against terrorism and terrorist financing are currently key international security priorities and as such Mr Gérard Collomb, Ministre d’Etat, French Minister of the Interior; Ms Nicole Belloubet, Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice; Mr Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs; Mr Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy and Finance; and Mr Gérald Darmanin, Minister for Government Action and Public Accounts, have invited to this conference their counterparts from some 70 States and the leaders of almost 20 international and regional organizations and specialized agencies. Each French Minister will lead a round-table session, during which they will invite their partners to appraise the issues and put forward concrete solutions.
This ministerial meeting will be preceded on 25 April by a day of discussions among experts in combatting the financing of terrorism from within States and invited organizations. This day will take the form of three successive round-table sessions led by Mr Bruno Dalles, Director of TRACFIN, in the presence of Mr Bernard Émié and Mr Laurent Nunez, respective Directors-General of External and Internal Security and Ms Corinne Cléostrate, National Director of Customs Intelligence and Investigations (DNRED) and then by Mr François Molins, Public Prosecutor, and Ms Mireille Ballestrazzi, Head of the Central Criminal Investigation Directorate, and finally by Mr Emmanuel Moulin, Director of Mr Bruno Le Maire’s private office.
The States and organizations invited to the Paris conference will be asked to endorse a statement.
This conference will take place at the headquarters of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2 rue André Pascal, 75016 Paris).
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