G7 – Catherine Colonna’s participation in the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (November 6-8, 2023)


Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Catherine Colonna will be in Japan on November 6 to 8 for the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Tokyo.

The meeting will address the situation in Israel and the Palestinian Territories following the Minister’s trip to the United Arab Emirates and Qatar this past weekend, specifically the importance of meeting the needs of the civilian population in Gaza, abiding by international humanitarian law, making all possible efforts to prevent a regional conflagration, and establishing a political horizon based on the two-state solution. The Minister will reiterate our condemnation of Hamas’s terrorist acts and the imperative need to release the hostages.

The ministers will also discuss the long-term continuation of support for Ukraine in the face of the Russian aggression, the implementation of security guarantees for Ukraine, and the diplomatic commitment to support an international consensus on President Zelenskyy’s peace plan. They will also have a virtual meeting with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.
The situation in the South Caucasus and the need to promote a just and lasting peace in the Caucasus that respects international law and the territorial integrity of the nations involved will also be on the agenda. Discussions will also cover relations with the Indo-Pacific and more broadly, cooperation between the G7 and its international partners on high-priority global challenges such as food security and the fight against the effects of climate change. A video conference will also be held with the ministers of the five Central Asian Republics.

On the sidelines of the G7 meeting, the Minister will meet with Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa to discuss bilateral relations as well as top international issues.