

Addressthe root causes of violence against women and girls by fully implementing the legislation aimed at countering gender discrimination in all its forms and manifestations

New legislation (so called Red Code) will be implemented with the objective to reinforce the law yet in force, prevent and countering gender-based violence. To this purpose also an Operational Plan, adopted within the framework of the National Strategic Plan on Male Violence against Women for 2017-2020, will be performed with a dedicated budget (€ 38,5 million for 2019), to deal with multi-level targets and overseen by a national mechanism with the mandate to monitor and review its implementation.

Adopt a strategic framework to support gender equality within policies and programmes for growth and social and economic development, by 31 December 2020

Italy will prepare and make operational a strategic framework for gender equality, in line with the current discussions for the new programming period and consistently with the national practice of thematic National Plans (VAW, THB), by 31 December 2020. The strategic framework will support social and economic empowerment of girls and women as well as strengthen the integration of gender mainstreaming, at all policy level, among all relevant stakeholders.

Accelerate educational and professional advancement for women and girls in order to countering gender stereotypes in schooling and to empower their talents within the STEM field and in strategic and crucial sectors for economic growth

taly will renew its commitment to implement policies and programmes that seek to reinforce girls’ success and empowerment, both in and outside school, to tackle gender stereotypes and discouraging social rules and to develop functional, transferable and job specific skills at a young age.