SDG 2. Zero hunger


End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Presentation - State of affairs

In 2015, one person in nine was still suffering from hunger. Through this second goal, the world’s countries commit to eliminating hunger and all forms of malnutrition by 2030.

This goal can be achieved through promotion of sustainable agriculture capable of coping with the impacts of climate change. This agriculture will be particularly suited to the needs of women, indigenous people and family farmers, while being environmentally friendly, promoting biodiversity and contributing to the fight against climate change.

United Nations Targets for 2030

Ministry Projects

Key figures

800 000

the average number of family-run farms which receive direct AFD support each year via projects on irrigation, support for the agricultural sector, agro-ecology and training.

Examples of projects

To help fight poverty among vulnerable populations and improve food and nutritional resilience and security, the AFD is supporting, via an €8 million programme, agro-ecological transition in five West African countries.

The aim is to support and encourage the emergence, adoption and spread of ecologically-intensive agricultural practices in family-run farms, as well as management and organizational methods which promote said adoption.

The Ministry publications (in French)

Useful links

Updated: May 2017