Iran – Situation of Cécile Kohler and Jacques Paris (Oct. 6, 2022)


Cécile Kohler and Jacques Paris have been arbitrarily detained in Iran since May 2022 and can therefore be considered State hostages. France reiterates its demand for their immediate release. We demand immediate, unconditional access to our two compatriots in accordance with the international obligations to which Iran subscribed under the Vienna Convention of April 24, 1963.

The staging of their supposed “confessions” is unworthy, repugnant, unacceptable and contrary to international law. This farce reveals the Iranian authorities’ contempt for human dignity. These supposed “confessions” extorted under duress have no basis in fact, any more than do the reasons given for their arbitrary arrest.

France vigorously condemns the Iranian regime’s inhumane, unworthy treatment of our compatriots. We hold the Iranian authorities responsible for their fate and their treatment, and for that of all French nationals currently being detained arbitrarily in Iran.

Such manipulation and practices – worthy of the show trials of the worst dictatorial regimes –will not deflect international attention from the legitimate aspirations of the Iranian people.

The French authorities remain wholeheartedly committed to obtaining their release and providing support for their families and loved ones.