Cambodia and Thailand - Visit by Olivier Becht (24-27 January 2023)


Olivier Becht, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Economic Attractiveness and French Nationals Abroad, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, will visit Cambodia and Thailand from January 24 to 27. This visit reflects France’s increased involvement in ASEAN, illustrated in 2022 by President Macron’s attendance at the G20 Bali summit and the APEC summit in Bangkok. This region is vital to France’s Indo-Pacific strategy, and ASEAN is the EU’s third-largest trading partner.

In Cambodia, where Mr. Becht will be accompanied by a business delegation headed by MEDEF International and Business France, he will work to step up economic cooperation between our two countries. He will meet with the Cambodian prime minister, trade minister and deputy prime minister.

In Thailand, Mr. Becht will work on bolstering the economic aspect of our bilateral relationship following President Macron’s visit last November. Thailand is an important economic partner: it is our eighth-largest partner in Asia and our second-largest trading partner within ASEAN. The minister delegate will seek to strengthen our economic cooperation, particularly in the areas of transportation, renewable energy and digital technology, all of which offer important opportunities for French companies. He will meet with several Thai ministers, with the French community and with Thai investors. He will also attend the inauguration of the THEOS-2 satellite command site developed by GISTDA in partnership with Airbus, a project that is emblematic of the economic cooperation between France and Thailand in the area of space. Lastly, the minister will launch the France-Thailand Year of Innovation, highlighting the importance of innovation in the development of our bilateral relationship with Thailand.

The minister will also meet with the French community in Cambodia and Thailand.